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Small Interior Remodeling Project That Improve Property Values

Today’s guest blogger is Matt Lee

If you’re getting ready to sell your home, your might wonder how to improve your property value with interior remodeling projects. Not all projects will increase the value of your home (like putting in a swimming pool). But there are several things you can do to your interior that will improve the property value. Let’s take a look at some stunning interior remodeling projects that enhance property value. 

1. Energy efficiency

Buyers are always looking for ways that their new home is going to save them money. Energy efficiency in the house is a great way to save money while increasing the value. Buyers will pay more for a home that is already energy efficient because they know it’ll save them in the long run.

There are several energy-efficient projects you can do to improve your property value.  Some are simple and require very little of your budget, while others are more involved but still doable. The best part is that you can decide how much or how little you want to do, depending on how much you want to increase your property value. 

Climate Seal Window Inserts

Climate seal window inserts are an easy way to improve energy efficiency. The tiny cracks around the edges of windows let a lot of cold air in during winter and a lot of cold air out during the summer, causing you to have to run your heat or A/C more. Instead of replacing the windows, which can take a large chunk out of your budget, opt for climate seal window inserts to get the job done for far less money.

LED lighting

LED lighting can range in expense but saves so much money in electricity over time. It barely draws any power, and LED lightbulbs give off beautiful, bright light to make your home shine. They also last years, so gone are the days of always having to change hard-to-reach lightbulbs. 

Attic Door Insulation

Not many people think of the attic in a home. However, the attic can be where a lot of your heat in the winter escapes. Additionally, the hot sun on the roof during summer will warm up the house much quicker without good attic door insulation. In many homes, the attic door isn’t insulated, allowing for a large surface area for air exchange. It is a simple project, but adding insulation to the attic door can improve energy efficiency. 

2. Wall Surfaces

Wall surfaces are the first impression of a home, and to increase property value, they need to be updated. Many homes still have wallpaper installed from the 70s, and that is decreasing your property value.

Removing Wallpaper

Removing wallpaper can be tedious, but it is a good weekend DIY project that is inexpensive and will change the home’s look to make it more updated. Let’s do a quick rundown of how to remove wallpaper. 

How To Remove Wallpaper

Removing wallpaper can be done in the following steps: 

  • Protect your flooring, light switches, and outlets with painters tape and sheeting
  • Try to use a paint scraper to peel up a section of the wallpaper
  • If it doesn’t start peeling off, use a wallpaper scoring tool and lightly run it all over the wall
  • Mix up a solution of hot water and fabric softener or hot water and vinegar. You can find several recipes online but ensure you use hot water to activate the adhesive. 
  • Spray your solution all over the wall and bein using your paint scraper to remove the wallpaper

3. Small Updates

There are also several other small updates you can do around the house to make the home feel like it is brand new and increase property value. Let’s break it down into the two most important rooms– the kitchen and the bathroom. 


When remodeling your kitchen to increase your property value, you don’t want to go all out because you’ll never get your money back. Instead, try doing smaller projects that make a significant impact, such as: 

  • New appliances or replacing individuals to make them matching (hint: you can buy new doors and knobs from the manufacturer instead of replacing the whole thing)
  • New lighting, cabinet door handles, and faucets
  • Refinish countertops
  • Put up a backsplash
  • Switch out the sink for a larger one


Doing a complete overhaul on a bathroom can take weeks of work and a lot of money that you won’t see back in your property value. But like in the kitchen, some minor updates will make a big difference in value, such as: 

  • New vanity
  • Modern light fixtures
  • Refinishing old tubs or switching them to walk-in showers
  • New towel holders
  • Fresh neutral paint

4. Add square footage

One of the remodeling projects that will add a lot more value to your home is adding square footage. Now, we’re not saying you need to construct an addition onto the house, but look and see if any spaces aren’t being used to their full potential, such as: 

  • Basements
  • Attics
  • Lofts
  • Storage areas

If none of those apply to your home, consider opening up the current square footage so that your home has an open floor plan. Sometimes all it takes is knocking out a wall or two, and you’ll find a much more usable space that will increase your home’s value. 

Ask An Agent 

Eng Garcia Properties can help you decide what interior remodeling projects you should do to improve your property value. Call them today for a walkthrough and consultation.

Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.

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