Our guest blogger today is Alana Prentice from Full Spectrum Energy.
Do you want to save the earth and preserve the cash in your wallet at the same time? Of course!
In this era, we live immersed in innovation and information making it easier than ever to make informed choices as a homeowner. You can make improvements to keep your home running as efficiently and cheaply as possible.
From small improvements to larger projects, we have 11 tips to save energy in your home. You’ll save money (in the long run) and help planet earth. That’s a win/win in our book.
Smaller Improvements to Save Energy in Your Home
Lower your thermostat
When you’re off to work or otherwise away from home, make the habit of turning down your thermostat (or turning it up in summer, you get the idea: saving resources from being used while you’re away). According to the Department of Energy, adjusting your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees can save you up to 15 percent on your energy costs.
Or better yet, buy a smart programmable thermostat that you can control from anywhere with your phone. Are you on vacation and see that the weather at home is warmer than you expected? You don’t need the heat on. Use your phone to turn it off.
Seal your windows
Windows are one of the most common culprits of air leaks and energy loss. Luckily, they’re also one of the cheapest to deal with. Sealing your windows and applying shrink film can cost between $25 and $50 but will save you anywhere from $40 to $80 in energy costs.
Install low-flow showerheads
They might not make for the most satisfying showers, but you’ll be surprised just how much water they save. Low-flow showerheads have a flow rate half that of traditional showerheads, so install some and watch your water usage (and accompanying bill) plummet.
Limit your heater and air conditioner use by using solar energy
The principle here is the same as lowering your thermostat. If you’re looking to cut costs, use your windows as solar energy. Especially if have south-facing windows. Open every window that allows the sun in…you’ll be amazed how warm your home will get. Even on winter days.
In the summer, make sure the shades are pulled tight. Consider putting in thermal drapes that will preserve the heat at night when you close them. In addition, they keep the cruel summer sun out keeping your home cooler.
Unplug your chargers
Did you know your phone and computer charge cables still draw power when not in use? There’s a reason why they’re often called “energy vampires” by those in the business.
Just one cable lying out won’t hurt too bad, but multiple cables left plugged in indefinitely can be responsible for up to 10 percent of your energy costs.
Start composting
It may seem kinda gross, but it makes very good soil and is a way to cut down on the amount of waste you need to be picked up every week.
In case you’re unaware, compost is the result of organic (food) waste left to decompose over time. It doesn’t take much yard space to start a pile, and your fruit and veggie waste can over time be a valuable fertilizer for your lawn.
Also, check with restaurants you frequent to see if they participate in sustainable waste solutions. Biofuel is the next step towards a truly efficient lifestyle.
Replace your light bulbs
If you live in a newer house, you likely don’t have to worry about this. But older homes are often filled with old incandescent light bulbs that manufacturers stopped making in 2014 in favor of newer, more energy-efficient light bulbs. If your house fits the bill, consider replacing your old bulbs with efficient Halogen and LED bulbs to save on your electric bill.
Larger Ways to Save Energy
Get your HVAC system tuned up
It’s an extra cost you’re probably hesitant to pay, but would you rather swallow the thousands it costs to replace your furnace later on? Think of it like going to the doctor or the mechanic–getting an annual check-up and minor adjustments can keep things running smoothly for far longer than they would without.
A replacement furnace costs between $2,000 and $8,000. The choice is yours.
Add insulation to your attic
Adding more insulation to your home is costly but can seal air leaks and improve your heating and cooling costs and raise the value of your home. Costs depend on the size of your attic and the climate you live in, but the average cost to blow more insulation into your attic is $1,350.
Invest in Energy Star appliances
Energy Star appliances are those that meet specific efficiency standards by the EPA, and they use 10% to 50% less energy than traditional appliances while helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Appliances aren’t cheap, but if you’re planning to replace any of your major ones like your fridge or your washer and dryer soon, considering investing in some Energy Star appliances.
Plant trees in your yard
Shade trees are a fantastic way to save on air conditioning costs while also improving the value of your property. Sure, you’re adding another chore to your to-do list forever, but shade trees can also save you up to 50% on your air conditioning costs, and who doesn’t love a home with trees in the yard? Make your house a little greener figuratively and literally, for now, and into the future!
If you’re looking for that perfect, energy-efficient home for the future, let an Eng Garcia realtor help you. We understand wanting to save money and help the environment.
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Planting trees to save energy is a very good way to help the environment.